Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Bread Bowl


How many of you out there just love a good bread bowl filled with warm soup on a cold winters day? The soup is good, but don't you just love it when you finally get to the bottom?! Sometimes you have to dig the bread part out to mix it in with the soup, but isn't it just the best?! And what about when you are just about done and you tear the sourdough bread off that's been soaked in the soup? Umm..Yummy! Hit's the spot!
Sometimes in our quiet times with the Lord, we can feel so dry. Just like the bread was, before the soup. It's like, "Lord, I know You're there, I just feel so..dry right now". And just like we do with the bread bowl, we need to really 'dig in' to get the good stuff! And just like the bread with the soup soaked in- we can walk away from our quiet time feeling like we too have been soaked by His presence.
The Word of God is your bread bowl, dig in!!!
Praying you will get to the place where you are soaked by His presence.

Jeremiah 29:13New American Standard Bible (©1995)
You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.


Cherise said...

Ok, LOVE! It's so true. I love a good soak in His presence. and hey- way to're making me hungry- in 2 ways...for God and my stomach!

Anonymous said...

I'll go digging with ya Sista!!! You made soup and Jesus sound so good together;)
Love ya,