Friday, May 15, 2009

The Gift Of Grace

GRACE Pictures, Images and Photos Have you ever noticed, as women, how easily it is to judge other women? "Well, if she would just discipline her kid!" "If she was just home more, if she would just get out more.." "Why does she over schedule her kids so much?" "She spends way too much time working." "Her house is always a mess"....
We all do it. We don't even realize it. But the other side of the coin is just as painful. As moms, if we were truly honest to ourselves, we mess up...a lot. We really don't need anyone to point it out. We (for the most part) are fully aware of our inadequacies.
If I might be so bold as to say, what if we gave the gift of grace today? What if we believed the best in others and we were not so quick to judge?
I hate it when a see a mom being so flustered and rushed, being quick and to the point with others. And I think to myself, "Well, you should have planned better and maybe gotten up earlier!" Until that mom is me. Ouch. Or what about when I see a mom appease a child with a toy or a treat to keep them quiet in the store. Our thoughts might be, "Get a backbone lady!" Until it is us in the store doing just the same. Grace......
It's very easy to give a quick 30 second judgment about a mom. Especially those moms that seem really hard or cold. We think to ourselves, "Wow, they must really think they have it all together!"
What if we had a paradigm shift in our thinking? You know, changing the way we view others and think about them? You see, until we've walked in some one elses shoes, we'll never really know, will we? We'll never know why people do the things they do. We'll never know if someones husband has been unfaithful or walked out on them. We'll never know if that girl who seems to have it all together is so lonely and hungry for friendship. We'll never know if that lady who just sped past us on expressway wishes she could just drive off a cliff because she just lost a child. What about the one with the wild children in Target? And we think she should just skip Target altogether! It's probably not easy for that woman to face Target either. You just might come to find out she's a single mom who is doing the best that she can.
Today, I ask you- as a mom and a woman that is doing the best that I can- Can we offer the gift of grace today?
Instead of being quick to judge, gossiping, or tearing each other down, what if we could offer understanding and unconditional love? Wow, now that just might give Jesus something to work with. Even if, in our own eyes, they don't deserve it. I am so glad I don't get what I deserve! How many times has Jesus given us something because we deserved it? Do we have to earn a His love first? No.
You see, Jesus believes the best in us. Even when we don't see it in ourselves. What kind of world would this be if we, as women, would offer this gift of grace to one another? The gift of a smile, the gift of acceptance. And then freely receive it from others?
Instead of eating our own, how about restore, nurture, and love? Go ahead, give that gift of grace freely, and then people will know that you are truly His.

New American Standard Bible (©1995) Psalms 84:11
For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly.

James 4:6 (New International Version)

6But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:

"God opposes the proud
but gives grace to the humble."a]">[a]

Monday, May 04, 2009

Workin the Temple- Idolatry or Worship?

Growing up in a very dysfunctional home- I did nothing to glorify God. Had not heard of Him. Obviously, did not know Him. I definitely didn't do anything to glorify God with my body. In those younger years of my life, my body was nothing more than a tool. A tool to lure and control. To give me power or remain powerless.
As I walk this crazy, fun, sometimes chaotic life with Jesus, I am truly wanting to glorify Him with all I say and do. 1 Cor. 6:19-20 19Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.
I have to tell you, I have always enjoyed working out. My dad got me my first weight bench when I was 16 years old. And I use to run in High School. Whenever things got too much at home, I felt like I could run a million miles. And fast too! But the weight of the world was too much to bear, and having a mom who did not believe in me took it's toll. I did not pursue anything more and stopped running.
Then, I got married and had children. Three of them. And working out was no longer a priority in my life. It just didn't seem to fit anywhere. But now, it seems as though I am in a new faze in my life. My kids are getting bigger, and two are in school.
I have been exercising regularly for a few years now and it's just become a habit. I am not one of those super buff people with bulging muscles. No, I am a regular mom just like you. I, like most of you, have my good weeks and I have my not so good weeks.
So my question to you is, can you workout without making it similar to 'idol' worship? What do I mean? Without making it a priority over the Lord. Do I workout more than I spend time with the Lord? I always have to keep this in check. The good news is that if I ever get off balance, the Lord is gracious, and quick to bring me back to Him. He knows that I know that I can't make it without Him. I can't do anything good apart from Him. He is my everything, my confidence, my everything.
At the beginning of this year, the Lord showed me that this was a year of dreams. But not just dreaming those dreams, but some of those dreams becoming a reality. Already, He has showed me how great He is. I was able to speak at the youth group for the first time in many years, I lead a Lisa Bevere Bible Study and now I have signed up for my first triathlon. All of these have been a faith walk with Him. A trust in Him. Who He is and what He says He will do.
Is it okay to pray for great workouts and runs? Absolutely! Is it okay to incorporate my workout as a worship unto the Lord. I think so. When I run and I can also be praying for people, listening to uplifting songs.
See, for too many years this body was not giving any glory the the Lord. I have decided that all I do, I will do not unto a man- but unto the Lord Jesus Christ. I want to take care of this temple, because it's not just mine anymore. Gods Holy Spirit resides within me. And I definitely want to have the strength and energy to play with my kids and someday- my grandkids! I want to take care of this body and treat it right. I plan on being around for a long time and truly enjoying this journey!
If I'm running and start to think I can't- That's when I give the Lord all the glory, because I know that through me, He can!! And on August 2nd , when I cross over that finish line, to Him be ALL the glory!!! Amen!
Today, after you've exercised those spiritual muscles, why not give those physical muscles a try too! :)
Is. 40:31 but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Colossians 3:23 (New International Version)

23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men