Saturday, January 06, 2007

Life Is A Gift, Enjoy it!

I had been given a chocolate espresso candy from a friend. She got it from the Broadmoar, so it was very special! And it was too cute to eat!! So I put it in my drawer and saved it for about a week. And then I said to myself, why am I saving this gift just to look at? Why not enjoy the gift. So I ate it and truly enjoyed it!! My grandmother use to wrap everything in plastic that people would give her and put it away. She didn't want it to get messed up. But she never really got to enjoy those things. And now she's gone and those things she had been given have been sorted through and given away- but they were meant for her to enjoy.
Jesus has given us life as a gift. How many times do we just look at the gift from a distance- But never open it and enjoy?
Today, my prayer for you is that you would take this gift, this life that God has given us and truly enjoy it!! Don't waste one more day not wanting things to get messed up! Just go out and enjoy it!!

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