Some people really do not like small talk. You know, things like...how's the weather? But what's so interesting is that we all have an opinion of ..the weather! Too hot, too humid, too rainy, to snowy, not enough snow, if only Spring were here, can't wait for summer, etc, etc. Here in Colorado I think there's a common frustration. The frustration is that the weather people keep telling us 'the big one' is coming and either it lasted 10 seconds, or just never arrived! This weekend was suppose to be 'the big one'. Prom was canceled, several Easter events, and soccer games. Which of course, since the Easter hunts and soccer games are outside- that was a good choice. But I awoke with anticipation in my heart. It was suppose to start snowing after midnight, so I assumed the streets would be covered. But, to my hearts unpleasant surprise- just drippy, dreary rain. We can't really sled in that stuff, you know. And the day went on as we knew it. Playdate for Noah, tutor for Hope, grocery store, and LOTS of laundry. And all day, it's been wet snow. Now, don't get me wrong- I love days like these. But there's something about when your heart is expectant, like a small child with big eyes opening his or her present. That child is expecting something. And if he or she received something that they either already had or didn't want- well, there might be some disappointment there. It's all about expectations. And I was expecting a lot of snow.
That's why I love God so much. When we come to him with our expectations, and await for Him like a little child- He will never disappoint. He is always there, and has good things for us. We can come to Him hungry and thirsty and walk away filled up.
So when the world sometimes leaves you disappointed, when your expectations have not been met, do not fear or fret. For God is very near.
So...How's the weather?

Psalm 34:8 NKJV
Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good;
Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!
Enjoyed visiting your blog and I LOVE the title.
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